Lesley is passionate about empowering women to believe in themselves, and the ability we all have to change our lives.
‘It all begins with belief’.
My Story
I left my corporate marketing career because I’d simply had enough.
I’d had enough of a people pleasing, of striving to fit a corporate mould that never quite felt right, of working all the hours and feeling like I was on a hamster wheel. I was anxious, I was burnt out, and I was tired.
I had a vision of empowering women to believe in themselves as they build their career or business.
As Head of Marketing for a big name drinks brand, I was top of my game in my corporate career, but when I didn’t have the corporate badge behind me any more it was a completely different story. One I didn’t anticipate.
I realised how much of my identity I’d based on what I did, rather than who I was. On what I thought others thought of me, instead what I wanted for myself.
I set up my business and I floundered. I spent ages building a lovely logo and website; a brand to hide behind that felt safe and familiar. I criticised myself constantly for not being able to market myself. I struggled with imposter syndrome and self doubt. I sabotaged my chances by giving up at times.
When a friend asked how my “little business” was going, I could have died of shame. But she was only reflecting back what I thought of it myself.
I got married, had a beautiful baby girl, and got divorced. It was then I knew I had two choices.
I could either go back into the corporate world into a well paid hamster wheel again, or I could step forward as the leader I longed to be and create the business, income and lifestyle I wanted. One that worked for me and my daughter.
I know how tough it can be to put yourself out there. To get over your beliefs and get out of your own way. I know how we all fight with ourselves about what we want to achieve, and know we are capable of; and what others will think of us.
What I learned is that when you step away from the noise of what everyone else is doing and tune in to your self, your needs and desires, you can carve out a successful career, income and client base, and build it into something you are proud of.
I realised that the only expectations you ever need to meet are your own. That instead of striving for perfection and struggling with overwhelm, you just need to get started, and keep going.
That the voice in your head needs to shift from being your harshest critic, to becoming the compassionate best friend and cheerleader you really need.
Most importantly, I learned that your story is something that can either hold you back or propel you forward.
I empower women find the confidence to market themselves and tell their story.
I give them permission and courage to be themselves. To create the courage to to be the leader they desire to be, and share their ideas and their passions with confidence. To take that big step forward and step into the spotlight. To become the face of their brand.
I help them own and be proud of their stories, because their stories have made them. Because the stories they tell and the beliefs they build today will become tomorrow’s reality.
I’m also building my story as I go.
The stories we tell can either help us or hinder us, it’s all down to how we choose to use them. Your mind is your best asset, and you can either train it work for you or against you.
As leader, your story is your secret weapon in finding your purpose, building your personal brand, attracting your audience and growing your business; and I’m here to help you make that happen.
Because, the stories we tell ourselves create our realities, and how you tell your story makes all the difference.
Love, Lesley x
Personal Branding and Empowerment Coach for heart and soul led female leaders & entrepreneurs.
20yrs Marketing Experience | EFT Tapping Practitioner | Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner | Reiki Practitioner Level1&2
Lesley has helped 100’s of founders, corporate brands and business leaders to grow their confidence, visibility and personal brand through self empowerment and storytelling.
Lesley lives and works in Brighton, East Sussex and is available for consultancy, collaborations, workshops and speaking engagements.
Contact Lesley for more info.